Waste Not Everyday

Waste Not Everyday

My second book Waste Not Everyday is out in the world! Did you get your copy yet?

This book is the younger sister to my first book Waste Not.

Waste Not Everyday
has 365 tips, one for each day of the year. My goal with this book was to provide digestible information in an easy to use format that would help get people started on reducing their waste.

It’s broken up into three sections using the same structure of a professional bin audit; food and organic, recyclables and other. A bonus fourth section is focused on reducing waste in the wider world.

It can work as a companion to Waste Not or given to someone who wants to make changes but feels overwhelmed or doesn’t want to subscribe to a particular lifestyle, but is determined to start somewhere. There is no preaching. No guilt. Only solutions to help fight climate change through reducing, reusing and reconnect.

Just like my first book 5% of the profits I make will be passed onto Waste Aid Australia.

Waste Not Everyday is available in all places where books are sold and of course, at your local library.