the journal

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Going plastic free for my periods

When I decided to attempt Plastic Free July, I sat down and wrote a rough list of items that fall into my shopping basket each month that would be covered in plastic. My list showed that the biggest offender was packaging. I made my way down the list writing down alternatives and feeling chuffed with my ideas. That was until I came…

The Plastic Free July challenge

I have decided to take on the challenge of Plastic Free July. This means for the month of July I will abstain from single-use plastic. After watching The Clean Bin Project I immediately jumped online looking for ways I can reduce my waste. I discovered Plastic Free July , deciding it would be an interesting way to see if I can…

Clean Bin project

During my weekend of convalescing I decided to break up the marathon of Nicholas Sparks movies and watch a documentary. Watching too many Nicholas sparks will have you contemplating life in a seaside town somewhere in North Carolina. Maybe that is just me. Anyway, the documentary I watched on recommendation from my sister was T…

I am going to Myanmar

Image Soooo I am not technically going to Myanmar (Burma) for another five months - but I booked my flights today and I am excited. This will be country number 46. My ultimate aim is to visit 50 countries by the time I turn 30. Time to start looking up ways to travel sustainably and to be environmentally friendly as possible.