the journal

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Raising zero waste children

To prepare for our role as parents, we decided to attend the hospital's parenting class. Before the lesson began our facilitator asked if anyone had experience looking after small children, infants or babies. Neither of us could raise our hands. My experience with babies prior to the birth of my son was limited. Time spent wi…

The baby room

Today, I thought i'd tour our baby's bedroom. Truth is, the whole house is his bedroom, happily falling asleep anywhere. Please don't assume he's a perfect sleeper. During the day he has cat napping down to a fine art, and midnight through to dawn, I'm up every two hours. Luckily, I get one solid four hour bloc…

Why hankies make a handy gift for a new mum

This is my collection of handkerchiefs. I never used to love hankies or have a collection of them. Prior to going plastic-free, my purse always contained the tissue pocket pack. You know the ones I mean; the small collection of disposable tissues, wrapped up in plastic, that too would be disposed of in a bin. When I decided …

A reply from Elevit

I forgot to mention in my last blog post, the reply received from Elevit. Er, whose Elevit? Isn't that a pregnancy multivitamin? Remember last year when I questioned who was responsible for making and reducing rubbish? Here is the blog post . For those who don't want to click through, in a nutshell, I was challenging wh…