Our newest family member + has a second child altered our zero-waste habits

This is an overdue announcement for blog readers - we have a new addition to the family. To be honest it kinda feels like he's been with us for more than five months. There's a feeling of him being here forever. Old soul perhaps? If I could describe him in one word it would be jolly. Or peaceful. He radiates a soothing energy I'm clinging to in these turbulent times. The dark hair in his newborn photo above has fallen out and is now golden. Sadly, neither children have inherited my ginger hair. He is desperately trying to push and lift his small body up to crawl. Once he's mastered this there's no doubt his older brother will be the one he'll follow everywhere. 

I've been asked if the arrival of our second child altered our zero-waste habits. The answer is no, not really. Refusing, reducing, reusing, repairing, composting...all of these usual zero-waste habits are firmly entrenched in our daily routine and decisions.

More broadly we kept furniture, prams, clothing, nappies, wipes, toys, books from our first child, which was purchased or gifted to us secondhand originally. I added extra secondhand cloth nappies as some had worn out. Due to a lockdown I was on my own with my four year old for postpartum and I planned for this by stocking up the freezer before birth with soups and snacks in old glass jars. My husband bought the ingredients package free in our own containers.

Related posts: Our Baby Room - Tips For Borrowing, Sharing And Buying Secondhand Baby Items and My Newborn Zero Waste Essentials List and Our Cloth Nappy Story

Admittedly there were two instances where disposable nappies and wipes have been used due to illness.

I could lay out the reasons to plead my case but this is not fair on me (or anyone else). Just because I used disposables for a moment of time in one area of my life doesn't mean I abandoned reducing waste and trying to avoid single-use everywhere else. My mindset and habits are wired now to consider how my actions will impact others and the planet. I have the privilege to do this (not everyone does) and I make sure to use it. But, life came along with a few hurdles and disposable nappies were the option to make life easier while in hospital and getting better after. I did the best I could, where I was, with what I had.

Each and every one of us will come across different blocks that can prevent us from choosing the less wasteful choice. Some people can face constant hurdles and others will only have them temporarily or none at all. If we can create new systems and continue to normalise less wasteful solutions, the people who find reducing waste the hardest because the system makes it difficult for them will benefit the most. Those with temporary hurdles or none at all should always use our privilege to advocate for wider accessibility and system change. 

I guess what I'm trying to articulate (probably not very well, thank you baby brain) is anyone can be zero waste/low waste/minimal waste/waste free/low impact/eco minimalist (whatever the term you use) without getting it “right” in all areas of our lives. For instance, if you are a family able to shop secondhand, repair clothes, choose reusables nappies, but purchasing food package-free is impossible...you can still say you live zero-waste (or any other term that suits you). 

Do the best you can, with what you've got, where you are. 

My little one is soon to stir from his nap. Time to pop on the kettle, gather some peppermint leaves from the garden, and have a cup of tea before he wakes.

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