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My top movies about plastic

I love movies! All types of movies…well except horror. If I watched a horror movie I would not sleep for a week. My favourite genre (aside from period dramas…) is the eco documentary especially to do with plastic free living. Here is a list of my top movies about plastic that will change your life – plus two I am excited to see this yea…

Drying herbs

This last weekend I spent time in our garden. There was the usual chores of turning the compost and removing weeds from garden beds. Some winter plants have come to the end of their life cycle signalling spring is not far away. Time was spent thinking about what I will plant for spring and how I can become an efficient gardner.…

What is a bulk food store?

I am often asked what a bulk food store is. It is the kind of store that most of us have never ventured into or have walked past without a thought. And why would you when there is the ease and convenience of a supermarket that has everything processed, packaged and ready to go under one roof! If you are wanting to start stripping …