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We should value our stuff

I am not anti-plastic. I understand that in some aspects of society it does play an important part. I have mentioned it here . But I am anti waste and against the misuse of plastic. Plastic is constantly being created and falls into our lives in so many different forms. Some of it is beneficial but a lot of the plastic produced i…

Avasol: my first plastic free sunscreen

Summer has come to an end in the southern hemisphere while the northern hemisphere is counting down until the days are longer and warmer. This past summer I tried out my first plastic free sunscreen by Avasol and as weather cools down as it slips into Autumn mode does not mean we should get lax about exposure to the sun. …

Shaking out my make up bag

Image from Since my break-up with single use plastic, my personal grooming regime has been hit hard. But not only because of the plastic items that encase my blush and eye shadow. The shakeup came also from the chemicals in the make-up. When I started delving into the history of plastic, reading about its uses …