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Simple Three Ingredient Cracker Recipe

I love a cracker. But purchasing those crunchy morsels plastic free is difficult. Luckily they are super easy to make, requiring only three ingredients. The great thing with this recipe, is that it can be altered to suit you. Think of it as a base for you to go off and do whatever. I sometimes make a buckwheat and corn cracker gluten…

Three Years Plastic Free

Today marks an anniversary; it was on this day three years ago I attempted my first  Plastic Free July . It was a decision that led me to change my lifestyle. For the last two anniversaries, I have commemorated this day by writing in detail how I continue my plastic free lifestyle. I thought I’d keep up the tradition. You can read year …

Busting the myths of plastic free living

Plastic Free July  kicks off in 22 days. Even with this being my fourth year participating, I still get excited when it rolls around. The challenge is reaching more people each year. Last year 36,000 people joined! Individuals, schools and business are participating from all over the world. As a result, more people are making the dec…

Upcycle shoes

The wedding has come and gone. When people told me the wedding would pass quickly, it was true. We spent our two day honeymoon cleaning, composting and recycling, before returning to work. Our official honeymoon is not until July. I will share the ins and outs of the big day soon. The post is all ready to go; I’m waiting on the photogra…