the journal

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Zero Waste Bloggers

I have come across a growing group of zero waste bloggers recently that I felt the need to share. Some you may know and others you may not. These ladies from all over this fine globe are working hard and living trash free. It is great that I get to share my life with everyone and support others on their journey but sometimes …

Ten random questions

Sometimes I imagine the internet similar to a train station. A busy jumble of people running past one another, going in different directions. And once in awhile on your journey you meet someone that you know is a good egg. Well Sustainability In Style is one of those. Katie has graciously tagged me to answer a handful questions and…

Starter kits for plastic free and zero waste living

Life on the blog has been little quite. Behind the scenes is the opposite. I receive messages daily mostly from people asking how to get started with plastic free living or going zero waste, specifically is there somewhere they can purchase a kit of sorts with reusables to make reducing plastic and waste on the go easier. I am more th…

Interview with Zero Waste Adventure

I love Instagram. I don't take nearly enough photos as I would like but my fingers are actively scrolling daily and I am inspired by the sustainable souls that pop up on my feed sharing hints, tips and encouragement. One such person that I became an avid fan of was the Zero Waste Adventure feed. It was not your average document…