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Synthetic clothing fibers in our oceans

Image from Last year I read an article that made my heart sink. It was about synthetic clothing fibers in our oceans. Months before I had only just reached my first year of living plastic free and I was feeling pretty good. The article said : 85% of the human-made material found on the shoreline wer…


This is #mybag …. It's made of cotton and has been loyal friend for over a year. I got it when I became a member of the Plastic Pollution Coalition . It's a tote bag but I use it for so many other things besides collecting my vegetables each week at the farmers market. I like to use it to pick up rubbish (don't wor…

Interview with Plastic Free Tuesday

Around the world people are giving up single use plastic for the month of July but for many a month long sabbatical from plastic might be a little too daunting. If that sounds familiar I would like to introduce Plastic Free Tuesday where you have one dedicated day of the week to reducing your plastic footprint. Today on the blog I am …

Two Years Plastic Free

I have done it. Two years of plastic free living... ...or to be more accurate, trying actively to NOT buy new plastic for two years. A bit of a mouthful and maybe why the term 'plastic free living' is a more memorable phrase. I decided to reread the blog post about my first year  to compare/contrast what had changed. In the …

Promise or Pay

Plastic Free July is almost here. Next month thousands of people will be giving up single use plastic for the month of July. Making a promise to giving up anything is a challenge especially if the fear of failure is the thing that stops us from trying. But did you know that when money is put down the possibility of reaching the goal…

Helpful Plastic Free Living Essential Tools

Thank you for the feedback on the Plastic Free kits . We probably won't have all of them finished this Plastic Free July. But that's OK because you can do a plastic free challenge any time, right! With the kits not ready to go I decided to compile a list of similar items I deem helpful tools for Plastic Free July and plastic fr…